JUST LAUNCHED! Dynamic Video Group's newest studio, "The Virtual Stage"

A new studio vision from creator, Jon Watkins


To Take The Virtual Stage!

Finally! An affordable studio that NOT ONLY does production... but prepares you for your moment to shine under the studio lights!

A 4-month stage-readiness program that prepares moving you from hosting events at your desk to under the lights in a studio!

Your Own Sales Event!


You'll work hands-on with Executive Producer, Jon Watkins, over a 4 month period to get ready for your first sales event on the Virtual Stage.

This program is designed to introduce you to studio-based selling, build your on-camera confidence, and prepare you for larger scale virtual events.

Month 1:
Crafting A Show
We'll create your one-day sales event using our run of show template.

Month 2:
Secrets Of Engagement
How, when, and who to engage during your show.

Months 3 & 4:
Take The Stage!
On-camera performance + studio branding & design.

WE KNOW! Before going any further, you want to know, "How Much?"
We're not hiding it! In fact, we're excited to tell you!

The Investment

We're way more than awesome studio space.
We're a team ready to make you awesome on stage.

$5k, seriously.

No strings. No upsells. No BS. That gets you into our 4-month group training program led by Jon Watkins AND a full one-day Sales Event from the Virtual Stage!

Each cohort is limited to 10 coaches. Monthly live group training is hosted (and recorded) for each cohort via Zoom. Each coach meets 1:1 with Jon after completion of the group training to ensure readiness for the live event!

Take Your Next Step
On The Virtual Stage

Interactive Control Room

Dynamic’s state-of-the-art control room powers the Virtual Stage. Backed on an enterprise fiber network with multiple layers of redundancy, we provide the infrastructure and scale to reliably host mission-critical video streaming, like your sales event!


In addition to our new "Virtual Stage", our facility boasts 6,000 square feet of studio, production, and client space.

Studio A:
Virtual Events

Studio B:

Studio C:
Virtual Stage

Contact Us